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Rate Your Pro

At the end of your job, you'll have the opportunity to rate your Pro from 1 to 5 stars, and they'll rate you, too!

Jessica Clarke avatar
Written by Jessica Clarke
Updated over a week ago

Ratings provide transparency into the experience that both consumers and Pros have with one another. When you request a job, you'll see your Pro's rating when you match. Every rating you give contributes to their standing, by-the-minute labor fee, and helps us identify opportunities for improvement.

Leaving a Rating

You're required to leave a rating after each job. Your rating should reflect your overall experience during the job and, most importantly, the quality of work completed. Did the Pro make you feel safe? Were they friendly? Did they do a great job and make you want to use our app again? All of these things should be considered when leaving a rating.

  • 5 stars = the job went great, and you didn't have any issues

  • 3 stars or lower = something went wrong (and we want to know why). We’ll reach out to you to understand what went wrong.

Rate Your Pro

Pros will never see the rating you give (and vice versa). All feedback is anonymous and reviewed by our team before its shared with Pros.

Want to thank your Pro for going the extra mile and providing a great home service experience?

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