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Purchasing Materials

Pros are responsible for purchasing or supplying materials for a job. Once the job is complete, the consumer should be invoiced.

Jessica Clarke avatar
Written by Jessica Clarke
Updated over a week ago

Materials can be purchased before you arrive at the job location or after you arrive and assess what's needed. Whether you're using your own materials, or purchasing, the following guidelines should be followed.

  • Your own materials: Invoice the cost of materials used from your own stock at fair market value. Do not add a mark-up.

  • Unused materials: Return unused materials to the appropriate retailer. Do not charge the consumer for unused materials.

  • Extra Materials: Leave extra materials paid for by the consumer with the consumer. Make sure to ask where you should leave them.

  • Equipment Rental: Call HOMEE at 1-855-YO-HOMEE for approval before renting any equipment.

Do not take pictures of material receipts. Instead, add an itemized list to the invoice in-app.

To add materials to a job receipt:

Add Materials
  1. From the Completing job screen, tap Add Parts.

  2. Enter material information, then tap Save Parts. Follow this process for all materials.

  3. Tap Attachments and Notes.

  4. Add job notes and photos.

  5. Tap Review Receipt.

  6. Review the job summary, then tap Send Receipt.

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