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Suspend a Job

Need to stop a job and come back later? You can suspend active jobs for multiple reasons and still accept other jobs on the HOMEE network.

Jessica Clarke avatar
Written by Jessica Clarke
Updated over a week ago

Pros can complete a job later by suspending the active job in the HOMEE Pro app. Common reasons for suspending a job include:

  • Ordering materials and waiting for them to arrive

  • Waiting for permit clearance

  • Waiting for inspection

  • Weather issues

  • Not-to-exceed (NTE) limit was reached, and an extension is needed from the property manager.

To suspend an active job:

Suspend a Job
  1. From the active job screen, tap Pause.

  2. Tap Suspend.
    ​If you are using short-duration insurance, suspending a job will stop the policy so you aren't charged while you're not working.

  3. Add a reason for suspending, then tap Suspend.

While suspended, you can accept other jobs on the HOMEE network. When you're ready to start the job again, you'll need to unsuspend the job.

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