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How to cancel a claim

Once you send a claim in Workshop you have the ability to cancel the claim at anytime throughout the claim lifecycle.

Jessica Clarke avatar
Written by Jessica Clarke
Updated over 3 years ago

To cancel a claim you sent to HOMEE:

  1. Log in to your Workshop account.

  2. Go to Claims by selecting it in the navigation menu on the left side of the screen.

  3. Select the claim that you would like to cancel.

  4. Under the Details tab, in the Status section, select Cancel Claim.

  5. Select a Reason from the drop-down box.

  6. Click on the checkbox, acknowledging your confirmation of canceling the claim.

  7. Select Update Status. The claim is now cancelled:

    1. This change will be reflected in the Claims page on Workshop.

    2. A note with cancellation reason, time, and cancelling party will be logged on the claim Notes section.

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