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My Account was Deactivated

This article outlines why a Pro's account would be considered for deactivation and how to determine if your account is active.

Jessica Clarke avatar
Written by Jessica Clarke
Updated over 4 years ago

As a Pro, your account could be deactivated for several reasons, warranting removal from our network. These reasons include:

  • Inactivity – Our goal is to have a network of available Pros who are interested and eager to take jobs. Periodically, we will purge the network of any Pros who have not attempted to take any.

  • Unresponsiveness – Our team reaches out to the network periodically to provide updates and training, gather information, and discuss jobs that need to be picked up. If a Pro does not consistently respond to calls, texts, or emails, their account is subject to deactivation.

  • Quality of Work – We strive to have a network of qualified Pros who produce quality work. If your work is deemed unsatisfactory and a second Pro is required to come out and perform rework, we will remove you from our network.

  • Policies & Procedures – We provide every new Pro with a Pro Guide Handbook that outlines the expectations to be on our network. If you fail to adhere to these policies and procedures, you could be deactivated and removed from the network.

To determine if your account was deactivated:

  1. Open the HOMEE Pro app.

  2. Tap the online/offline toggle from the Home screen.

If the HOMEE Pro app allows you to go online, your account is active. If it does not let you go online, you'll see a message informing you that your account is deactivated.

Account Deactivated

If you feel that you were wrongfully deactivated or if your situation has changed (i.e., availability, schedule, or additional training and licensing), you can contact our Pro Recruiting Team at (855) YO-HOMEE to discuss your situation.

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